/ By Jonathan Hawkins / Phones / 0 Comments

You’re on the phone with a far-away family member, beloved significant other, or important work-related client. You hurriedly gasp, “Hello, are you there? Hello? Are yo-” click, you just lost cell phone service. Smartphones are expensive and high-tech enough — shouldn’t they reliably hold a signal?

Oftentimes, the problem isn’t your smartphone. Several factors weigh into smartphone call quality. Let’s learn how you can improve call quality without picking up a new carrier or buying a new device.

Remove your smart phone case

Many of us equip our expensive, fragile smart phones with aesthetically-pleasing or sturdy cases. Cases often protect against screen shattering, an inconvenient view-limiting problem most of us have dealt with. However, cases take away from call quality and increase the frequency of dropped calls.

Consider removing your smartphone’s case whenever you receive or make calls. You don’t have to remove your case permanently and never reattach it — just remove it when you need it.

Connect to other service towers

Cell phone calls work by transmitting packets of data to nearby service towers, then remitting them to whoever’s on the receiving end of the call. There may not always be other towers to choose from in particular areas, namely rural areas. Whenever you are around multiple towers and receiving bad call quality, switch to another service tower.

Remove obstructions from your direct proximity

The more cluttered your immediate surroundings are, the less likely your phone calls will be of higher quality. If at work or home, remove tall, bulky objects from windows. While driving, roll down your windows or sunroof.

Invest in a signal booster

Signal boosters can be directly attached to your smartphone, installed in your car, or added to your home or workplace facility. These helpful devices amplify the signals transmitted from your phone to nearby service towers. The technology behind signal boosters is difficult to understand, but just know they work!

Still experiencing bad call quality after trying these helpful tips? Visit our Virginia-based experts at RockIT Repairs. Trained, certified service professionals fix phones, laptops, and other digital devices at our two Virginia locations.

/ By Jonathan Hawkins / Cell Phone Repair / 0 Comments

Thieves in the United States steal millions of mobile phones every year. Beyond offering services related to phone repairs, we also show customers how to improve their lives when using their phones and other devices. The following three security tips can help make dealing with phone theft easier:

Lock your cell phone

One of the most important theft deterrent features on your phone is its lock screen. Although thieves can find software for hacking phones, many thieves only take phones that offer them immediate open access. Make your phone unattractive by setting up the lock screen with a passcode, drawing or gesture and then using the lock every time you’re away from it.

Install hidden tracking software

You’re probably already familiar with geolocation trackers that allow you to share your phone’s location on social networks so that family, friends and followers know where you’re located at any given moment. Although you can sometimes use this software in a pinch to find a stolen phone, thieves typically turn off obvious tracking apps. Instead, install remote access GPS tracking software that has been specially designed by a security firm to remain hidden until needed.

Change your outdoor behaviors

Your behavior has a direct impact on whether you become the victim of phone theft. Many people take unnecessary risks while running errands, enjoying a night on the town and traveling during business trips and vacations. In addition to using the lock screen, always check that you have your phone on you before leaving any location. People frequently leave behind their phones accidentally in cars, on retail store counters and restaurant or bar tables, and at gas station pumps. They also commonly lose their phones on seating in public transportation vehicles, movie theaters and churches.

At our two RockIT Repairs Virginia cell phone repairs shops, our expert technicians can help you repair damage to a retrieved stolen phone and show you additional tips and tricks for keeping your phone data safe from thieves. We provide both local and long-distance cell phone repair technical support. For more information, contact us by phone or email today.

/ By Jonathan Hawkins / Laptops / 0 Comments

Many of us, at some point, have experienced an issue with our technology, and when it comes to laptops, our precious data stored on them can risk being lost. Don’t panic when these problems happen. Follow these tips to help get your data restored.


There are a number of scenarios that cause a laptop to either freeze or completely shut down. You may have experienced a power surge, spilled liquid on the keyboard, or even dropped your laptop. These are common occurrences that cause the laptop to break and become inaccessible.

Your first thought is probably how you are going to retrieve the stored information. You can attempt to dry off the keyboard and store the laptop upside down to regain access. For minor spills, this may work, but may take some time for the components under the keyboard to dry out. If there was a power surge you should attempt to reboot the laptop. If you notice any odors immediately turn the laptop off and remove the battery. For a dropped laptop, you can remove the battery and then replace it and attempt to turn it on. If none of these attempts are successful, it is time to enlist the help of a professional to retrieve your valuable data.

Finding someone to perform data recovery

Data recovery is possible for laptops and USB devices when the unexpected happens. You can find a company that provides data retrieval and device repair through an internet search or from the recommendation of a friend or a family member. Always use a reputable company that has excellent customer reviews. One such company is Rockit Repairs. They not only offer laptop data recovery, but they also offer cell phone repair, Kindle repair, and Xbox One repair. They have the skills and trained staff to successfully perform data recovery and repairs quickly. Next time accidents happen to your technology, you know exactly what to do.

Laptops and other technology break or succumb to accidents periodically. Never fear though, there are things you can do to remedy the situation or get the repairs and data retrieval you need.

/ By Jonathan Hawkins / Phones / 0 Comments

In our modern age of technology, most children are currently growing up with an almost instantaneous awareness of smartphones, tablets, and other devices. While these can be used for entertainment and educational purposes, there’s no denying that handing over your personal phone to your eager three year old can be cause for concern if you don’t have a few safety features in place to not only keep your phone safe, but your child as well.

1. Lock it up

The easiest way to keep curious little eyes and fingers from getting into things they shouldn’t is to lock your phone down in a way that makes almost all of the features inaccessible to anyone but yourself. If you have an android phone, you can “pin” a kid-friendly app to the home screen that won’t budge unless the correct sequence of buttons is pressed, so your child can play their favorite game without wandering too far into the rest of your phone. iPhones have a similar feature called “guided access” that keeps all functions such as volume, power, and searching turned off, while also restricting certain portions of the screen if needed. There are also several apps that will serve the same purpose of locking your phone instantly, and they will not allow outside access unless a parent disables it.

2. Shatter-proof it

You can’t prevent occasional mishaps from occurring, but you can protect your phone from excessive damage when they do happen. If your child is playing with your phone, the chances are high that eventually it’s going to be dropped or covered in any number of various foods or liquids. Save yourself a trip to the cell phone repair shop and invest in a shatter proof screen cover as well as a heavy-duty protective case like an Otter Box.

3. Set parental controls

Whether your child is a toddler or in high school, there are plenty of ways for them to potentially get into trouble on your phone. Be proactive and prevent your kids from coming across anything adult-oriented or dangerous by setting the parental controls on your phone, or by downloading apps that offer additional parental controls. Depending on your phone or app, you can monitor camera usage, restrict internet search options, and even track where your child goes if they take your phone with them.

Accidents happen, especially with children, but all of us here at Rockit Repairs are available to help if your cell phone succumbs to the sticky fingers or general roughness of your kids. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

/ By Jonathan Hawkins / Phones / 0 Comments

Summer is almost officially here, and most of us already have plans in motion for some great vacations over the next few months. Before you hit the road to your warm weather destinations, be sure to check out these four tips for avoiding any unfortunate cell phone accidents that could seriously dampen your otherwise fantastic vacation.

1) Buy a screen protector

Screen protectors are generally pretty inexpensive, and they can save you from having to visit a cell phone repair shop repeatedly over the course of your summer. The screen protector will reduce any scratching to the screen of your phone while you’re shoving it in backpacks and pockets, and it will help to absorb the impact if and when you drop it.

2) Waterproof it

If you’re going anywhere near the water this summer, whether it’s a beach, pool, or a water park, be sure to take some precautions in keeping your phone protected from the water and sand that could damage it in a heartbeat. Invest in a waterproof phone case, or go the cheaper route and keep your phone in a sealed plastic bag while you’re out and about.

3) Keep it cool

If the direct heat is too much for you, it’s definitely too much for your phone. Most cell phones have a recommended heat limit, and if you’re out in the warm weather for extended periods of time with your phone out and in use, the chances are high that it’s going to overheat. Keep your phone out of direct sunlight as much as possible, and make sure to store it in a cool purse or backpack while not in use to avoid excessive overheating. On the off chance that it does overheat, turn it off immediately and continue to store it in a dark and cool area.

4) Invest in non-greasy sunscreen

You’ll more than likely forget that you covered your face in greasy lotion two minutes ago and as soon as you pick up your phone to answer a call, it’s going to be all over the screen. Consider buying non-greasy lotions or sprays to avoid having to clean a ton of gunk off of your phone.

If you find yourself needing a cell phone repair after your vacation this summer, be sure to contact RockIT Repairs for assistance. We’ll be glad to fix your device and send you back out to enjoy the warm weather in no time.